Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leashes... And What We Can Do to Rid Ourselves of Them.

Guest Post by Bob the Collie...

Canine Network Action Alert - Squirrel Hunt

Ever been chasing a squirrel down the street only to be stopped short just as you've almost caught him?  You have been thwarted by the leash.  The leash is the biggest hindrance to the squirrel hunt, and is even more sinister than the harness.  How long are we going to be held back by the leash?  We must launch a three-pronged attack against this menace.

Repeal Leash Laws - Supposedly they are for our safety, but I say they are against our liberty!!!

Freeze Leash Manufacturing - We must protest at the factories and prevent any more of these evil devices from being shipped.

Prevent Leash Sales - Hit them where it counts in the wallet.  Boycott all stores where this horrible product is available.  Or at least drop a present when your owner takes you inside.  That'll teach 'em.

It's really a matter of trust.  If they trusted us, would they force the leash upon us? 

Just say no to the leash.

Notice: This post is strictly the opinion of our Bob the Collie and is no way endorsed by Two Dogs Blogging Publishing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Breaking News: Foreign Cat Agent Nearly Captured!

For Immediate Release:

Reporting by Bandit...

Mommy was taking us for our morning patrol of the neighborhood when the incident occurred.  I was minding my own business, watering one of my favorite bushes, when Lucy noticed someone spying on me.  Lucy then bravely jumped into the bush to scare off the peeping tom.  Unfortunately, mommy had us on our leashes so we couldn't get him; all we could do was put a good scare into him.  But the next time that guy shows up in our 'hood we're going to get him...

Suspect is a small black creature of feline extraction.  Last seen headed north away from Lucy and Bandit's house at a high rate of speed.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Humans Have the Strangest Ideas About Dressing Their Pets

Mommy thought it wold be "cute" if Bandit and I put on clothing.  What do we need t-shirts for? Hello people, dogs have fur... Oh the indignity. ~Lucy
Some humans refuse to think of their dogs as just dogs. They are the reason that dog clothes are so popular!

Cute sweaters, doggie tee shirts, dog booties, stylish bandannas, and let's not forget little hats. These are among the items people will purchase to dress their dogs in style.

Dressing a dog is more about the owner having fun than the animal, but as long as the clothing isn't uncomfortable, most dogs don't mind humoring their human friends. Some even seem to enjoy grabbing the spotlight with their new look.

Internet shopping has taken the concept of dressing dogs to new levels as websites offering all manner of "designer" dog clothing have popped up everywhere. Such sites offer the tops in canine fashion for proud owners to place on their pups.

Years ago, it was not uncommon to see a dog in a knit sweater or some other cute clothing article, but today there are nearly as many clothing choices for dogs as there are for people. There are dresses and slacks, raincoats, eye-wear, head-wear, footwear, and every imaginable item. There is doggie casual wear, for hanging around on the beach, doggie formal wear for those special black tie occasions and even doggie wedding gowns and tuxedos for the wedding of a doggie’s dreams!

But shop carefully, in many cases, the designer doggie clothing comes complete with a designer price tag. Some of these dog clothes cost more than what many people spend to dress themselves. However, some people are still willing to buy these items because nothing is too good for their "best friend!"

So, if you're in the market for dog clothes that will turn heads and get your pooch noticed, designer doggie duds may be just what the fashion critic ordered. Just be sure not to combine designer labels or dress your dog in designs that clash. After all, what could be more gauche?

Woof! Woof! is "Hello World" in Dogspeak...

Hi, I'm Lucy. I'm a somekindof terrier. No one is quite sure what I'm made of but Mommy thinks I'm a Rat...

My brother Bandit (he's a yorkie/schauzer mutt - hee hee) and I want to share all the cool pet info we find on the Internet with you guys. That's if we can ever get computer time; our humans tend to be laptop hogs.

We're always  looking to make more anipals so please leave us a comment. You can also visit the Two Dogs Blogging page on Google+ or become our friend on Twitter @TwoDogsBlogging.

Lucy (and Bandit)

PS: In case you can't figure it out, I'm the one on the left in our picture and Bandit is on the right.