Friday, January 24, 2014
How to Make Your New Cat Feel Welcome in Your Home
When you adopt a new feline, you probably want to make him or her a member of your family as soon as possible. But remember that it takes time to establish trust. Even cats that are affectionate upon the first meeting may still be skittish once you actually get home.
There's no telling how soon your feline will adapt. Sometimes, your new cat will settle in quickly. However, sometimes you will find that your cat is unwilling to be sociable and prefers hiding under the bed to joining in household activities. Normally, a cat will choose one person in the home that he bonds with. You'll know when a cat wants to bond with you, as he will hop on your lap seeking attention or snuggle up to you at night when you are sleeping. Although many experts have tried to figure it out, no one really knows why cats choose a particular person whom they will bond with. It could be the individual's manners, voice, or simply how that person treats the cat. Perhaps the individual just has the right personality for bringing out the best in that specific cat.
If your cat runs every time you enter the room, do not think that it means that she hates you! There are many possible explanations for this behavior. It could be that her previous owners were abusive or neglectful, or she could simply be stressed from being in a crowded shelter. Plus, she now has new territories, household routines, and people to get used to. Moving is one of the most stressful experiences for a human, just imagine what it must be for a cat that has had no preparation for the event! So allow the cat to hide away if she wishes. Simply make sure that food, plenty of fresh water, and a litter box are readily available to meet the cat's needs.
There's nothing wrong with trying to encourage your new friend into exploration and bonding, but do not try to force affection on or from your cat. A small treat or cat toy might make him curious enough to come explore. When your cat does appear, keep your voice gentle and refrain from making sudden loud noises. This might startle him back into hiding. Additionally, allowing him to sniff your fingers can be a good first step towards forming a bond. Sometimes the best way to make a new cat comfortable is by pretending to ignore him. When you stare at him and make too much of a fuss over his presence, he might feel overwhelmed. If you pretend not to notice him, he might feel secure enough to actually approach you. This is not unusual feline behavior; sometimes they'll even end up on your lap. But if your cat does not show curiosity, that's ok too. Remain patient, and he'll come to trust you soon enough.
If you have children, it's likely that they will be disappointed that their new friend doesn't want to play. However, it is important that you caution them to not try to pick up the cat before she trusts you. Explain to them that their new friend is a bit shy and scared, and therefore needs time to get comfortable with you. And some cats never enjoy being picked up, so watch for signs that your cat wants to be left alone. If your cat is so scared that she shows signs of aggression, such as a hissing, flattened ears, or even a swiping paw, it's a good idea to step back. She mostly likely doesn't mean any harm; she just doesn't want you to come too close. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor the interaction of your cat with your child just to make sure neither comes to harm.
It can take a few weeks for a cat to get used to his new home. And even after that, the road to true trust can be a lengthy one, but the bond between you is one that will develop and strengthen over the years. Even though there are a lot of theories and speculation out there, no one really knows why cats bond with humans. There's little to no proof available as well, other than cats and their natural instinct for physical survival. Those who own cats know that cats crave attention, simply to make them feel needed. They love to be pampered by their owners, and will shower you with attention and affection if you just give them the chance. Patience truly is the key. It will be worth it in the end, and before you know it, you'll have a loving friend to build many good memories with.
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