Sunday, November 8, 2009

Breaking News: Foreign Cat Agent Nearly Captured!

For Immediate Release:

Reporting by Bandit...

Mommy was taking us for our morning patrol of the neighborhood when the incident occurred.  I was minding my own business, watering one of my favorite bushes, when Lucy noticed someone spying on me.  Lucy then bravely jumped into the bush to scare off the peeping tom.  Unfortunately, mommy had us on our leashes so we couldn't get him; all we could do was put a good scare into him.  But the next time that guy shows up in our 'hood we're going to get him...

Suspect is a small black creature of feline extraction.  Last seen headed north away from Lucy and Bandit's house at a high rate of speed.


  1. Oh no! You shouldn't do dat! He was probably just trying to make friends and you got the wrong idea! Zippy is friends with the woofies in our neighborhood and even stands in the front yard to greet them as they go for their walkies.
